Nume: CrimeCraft
Tip: FPS Shooter
Platforma: PC
CrimeCraft este un joc FPS Shooter in care iti poti alege sau crea propria banda, banda iti ofera protectie si un trai in joc. Jocul CrimeCraft ofera o gama larga de arme cu care te vei putea distra considerabil, armele pot fi editate si upgradate.
Alegeti un caracter si incepe sa iti ciuruiesti inamicii cu armele de foc care le detii.
CrimeCraft is a free-to-play online Persistent World Next-generation Shooter dubbed “PWNS†by developer Vogster Entertainment and published at retail by THQ. The game is set in the near future where the world lies in anarchy and gangs have replaced governments.
System Requirements/Cerinte CrimeCraft:
- Procesor: 2.0 GHz
- Memorie Ram: 1 GB
- Placa Vide: 256 MB
- Spatiu pe Hard: 3 GB
Screenshots/Imagini CrimeCraft:
Video Trailer Joc Impuscaturi CrimeCraft:
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